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How voice messages have changed the way we communicate

From day one, voice mail has been a great success and has become a real priority in our "virtual" daily life: voice messages are an essential convenience that brings with it obvious advantages. Many companies, including real estate agencies, have been able to discover this comfort in recent years and have started to use it with their customers. The result is a faster and easier communication.

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Mobile App for Real Estate Brokers: The Advantages

Technology has always been a loyal ally of real estate agents but it is necessary that real estate professionals are always kept up to date. In recent years, several mobile applications have been created to help manage the real estate agencies themselves and to communicate with customers. Let’s see why every real estate agency should use a mobile application to make its communications more effective.

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Real Estate agent visiting house with clients

A New Communication Era for Real Estate Agencies

The real estate sector, like other service businesses, has always relied on direct contact with people. If in the past, the relationship between a real estate agent and clients was almost exclusively by telephone and/or by appointment at the agency, this is no longer the case today. Indeed, the rhythms of today’s professional life force us to optimize our time and actions, including communications.

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Virtual Assistant for your Real Estate Agency

Do you have a real estate agency? Are your days filled by the thousand activities you have to do on your own? Yet you don’t want to hire a person and you don’t find any other way to delegate. Have you ever thought about using the help of a virtual assistant?

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8 Telephony Innovations for Real Estate Agencies

Real Estate agent

8 Telecom innovation white paper cover

The Key to Success

Differentiate Yourself from Other Agencies

Differentiation with Clients

To remain competitive, real estate agencies must continually innovate to better serve their brokers and clients with faster response times. Driven to reduce their operating costs and increase their revenues, real estate agencies must integrate advanced technologies to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Why not offer more value-added services to serve the needs of customers who became more demanding?

Differentiation with Brokers

To attract the best brokers, real estate agencies devote a significant portion of their budget to advertising and sales support tools.

Why not differentiate yourself and take the lead? Consider modern communication tools to attract and retain the best real estate brokers.

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Which Telephony Platform Should You Sell?

Which Telephony Platform
Should You Sell?

Which telephony platform should you sell?

Don’t put all your eggs in the same basket. Diversify to win.

You are probably already selling a well-known brand like Cisco BroadWorks or Avaya or Mitel and you have probably lost business opportunities because your price was too high or your competitor was able to turn around quickly and adapt their solution to meet the customer’s special needs.

You probably wished that you had another offering to beat your emerging competitors. There is no system that can meet all needs. The best strategy is “Diversify to Win”.

What if you can find a system that adds value to your current well-known brand while offering a standalone alternative when needed? It would be the best of both worlds: Enhance the features of your existing brand or replace it to compete against newer technologies.

Eggs in a basket

How to Select the Best Telephony Platform?

You should look for a platform that will enable you to develop longer, more profitable relationships with your customers that increase your profit margins. Here are the most important features to look for when shopping for a telephony platform to resell.

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Understanding the Accessible Canada Act and What it Means for You

Canadians live in a great country that helps its citizens when they need it. Health care is free and there are several programs to help Canadians get on their feet during tough times.

Accessibility Signage

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happy new year

Happy New Year 2021

After going through this difficult year, we hope that you were able to rest and have some good time with your loved ones during the holiday season whether in presence or at a distance.

We wish you the best for this new year of hope that begins.

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2 lessons learned from 2020

The 2 lessons learned from 2020

Lesson 1: Let's be virtual.

Future is unpredictable. Let's be ready to work from anywhere without compromising our privacy.

For Canadians who were lucky to continue working in 2020, the majority favor flexible working, a mix between office life and telecommuting.

According to a study by Maru / Blue, nearly 25% of Canadians surveyed prefer office work, the other 25% work from home and the remaining half prefer a mix of 2. We notice that the biggest challenge of working from home is that of communication tools which must adapt to mobility needs. The telephone, the computer, the desk and chair and the virtual meetings.

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Happy Holidays! Speech Mobility

Phew! Finally 2020 ends. We hope you are well.

Phew! Finally 2020 ends. We hope you are well. This has been a tough year for many of us, we have had to show selflessness, sacrifice for the greater good and we have dealt with illness.

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