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About us

Our History

Speech Mobility is a telecom software company based in Montreal (Canada). The company was started in 2012 by Bachir Halimi who also founded Excendia, the company that developed the virtual assistant powering the Evatel cloud phone of Speech Mobility. Bachir's life as a serial entrepreneur started in 1981 with Alis Technologies, the company that made computers usable in non-Latin languages (sold to Microsoft in 1986), then MediaSoft Telecom in 1987, a voice toolkit vendor sold to Bell Canada in 2004 after receiving investment from Intel in 2000.

Our Idea

The idea to build a new generation of business phone systems came after questions such as "Why do we need the dialtone?", "Why do office phones ring after work?" and "Why so many phone numbers on our business cards?". We instantly realized that the telephone industry has to change. We first drafted the concept of a virtual assistant to make phone systems smart, mobile and safe on the road. Then, we built a software that manages calls like an executive assistant and office receptionist and even talks to people. We called it the Excendia virtual assistant. We later integrated it with a highly scalable and robust softswitch to create Evatel, the first intelligent and speech-enabled phone system. Evatel integrates speech, unified communications, intelligent call filtering, IP telephony and other advanced technologies previously available only to very large companies.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make business phones work better. We build and deliver highly intelligent and feature-rich software that makes business communications smarter, more mobile and safer on the road. We focus on service companies, mobile business people and workers with disabilities to help them increase their productivity without compromising their safety. We pride ourselves on delivering technologically superior, innovative products that provide unprecedented value to our customers and partners around the globe.

Our Investors

We are a privately-held telecom software company. Our team of talented developers built a uniquely architected cloud phone powered by a virtual assistant. Our best assets are our employees and the robustness of our product architecture. We sell our systems and services through resellers and partners around the world.

We welcome strategic investments and alliances that accelerate the commercialisation of our products. Contact us privately. We believe in win-win partnerships.



+1 514.765.8484



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